Getting CMMI Certified in Fremont, California (CA)
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is an approach to process improvement offered by Carnegie Mellon University, USA, which seeks to help companies enhance their performance. CMMI may be used to direct process optimization through a project, section, or organization as a whole. Currently, CMMI version 1.3 is supported.
CMMI is important to an organization that produces software-only solutions. The roles of systems engineering, which are not usually discussed in depth in many software-only models, are of interest to those that create software-only solutions. For example, the management of standards is explored in far greater depth than in the CMM Framework. While not historically mentioned with software-only organizations in CMMs, such activities include common language and model design to help you to avoid software-related problems — a topic not unfamiliar to other business organizations.
CMMI helps customers to select the model representation that better fits their market objectives. The versatility inherent in each CMMI model embraces both phased and continuous process management solutions with specific language, design, and methods of assessment. Though CMMI’s main emphasis was on product and service engineering, CMMI was often developed for other disciplines, thus promoting process enhancement throughout the company.
Like any other CMM, CMMI demands that you use professional judgment to understand the Part Two details. Although these process areas identify activities that can be exhibited in every organization, both processes have to be understood using in-depth awareness of CMMI, the business environment, the company, and the circumstances which are involved.
How does it compare with ISO
ISO is a global organization that defines and establishes the universal standards that are needed for organizations, and government bodies. Those principles are then introduced, accepted, and made accessible across the world. CMMI is a process improvement approach that offers an integral aspect of successful processes for companies to enhance their efficiency. It focuses especially on software engineering and system engineering.

A modern type of development design has been blossoming over the last few years – referred to as agile practices. The emergence of the term ‘agile’ has undoubtedly been the most significant shift in software development thought over the last few years. CMMI is also a process model. In comparison, ISO is considered an audit standard. In CMMI, various organizations may be graded from level 1 to level 5 based on the process maturity specified in the process stage. ISO is a certification method and after clarification of certain criteria, a company may receive this certification.
There is a practical difference
There is a fundamental difference between ISo and CMMI. CMMI is a blueprint for a process model and ISO is an auditing standard. CMMI is a compilation of “best practices” relating to computer engineering and software creation, drawn from industry leaders. Businesses receive CMMI scores from Level 1 to Level 5 depending on the extent of conformity with key performance areas defined in the process area chosen for CMMI. ISO is a verification tool for companies whose operations adhere to the standards laid down.
Contact ISO Pros in Fremont, California (CA) today so we can assist you in becoming certified in CMMC.